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"Cheers!": Wet and cool weather couldn't stop real "Brit Pic" fans from taking part in the Münsterland Picnic Days in Bocholt.
 Ralf Rademacher provided the right musical entertainment with Irish folk and British folk songs at the \
Ralf Rademacher provided the right musical entertainment with Irish folk and British folk songs at the "Brit Pic" in Bocholt.
18. June 2024Europe/International

Music and tasty snacks ensure a good atmosphere at the "Brit Pic"

Münsterland Picnic Days also in Bocholt

Under the motto "I. You. We. The Münsterland celebrates picnics." the Münsterland Picnic Days took place for the fourth time from 14 to 16 June 2024. In Bocholt, the city of Bocholt, Stadtmarketing Gesellschaft Bocholt and Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Bocholt organised a typical British picnic at the LWL-Museum Textilwerk Bocholt.

Typical British weather for a picnic

The picnic enthusiasts brought plenty of delicacies - stylishly served in crystal glasses and gold-decorated china. However, this year's "Brit Pic" took place in typically British, wet and cool weather on the lawn on the Kubaai site next to the weaving mill of Textilwerk Bocholt.

However, the weather didn't stop 35 participants from continuing to chat and listen to the music in a cosy atmosphere. Bocholt musician Ralf Rademacher played Irish folk and well-known British folk songs.

Deputy Mayor Gudrun Koppers opened the Bocholt picnic. She brought along a plate from London and used it to present typical British sights such as the red English double-decker bus, Tower Bridge and the "London Eye" Ferris wheel. According to Gudrun Koppers, the "Brit Pic" fits in with the European city of Bocholt. The German-British town twinning with the English twin town of Rossendale has existed here for more than 70 years.

"Brit Pic" again in 2025

On behalf of the German-British Society Bocholt, secretary Antje Stille wished all guests a pleasant afternoon with tasty snacks and good music. She was delighted that this British tradition is alive and well in Bocholt with the "Brit Pic". A "Brit Pic" is to take place again next year as part of the Münsterland Picnic Days. Anyone interested can find out more from the German-British Society Bocholt at www.dbg-bocholt.de.

"Cheers!": Wet and cool weather couldn't stop real "Brit Pic" fans from taking part in the Münsterland Picnic Days in Bocholt.
 Ralf Rademacher provided the right musical entertainment with Irish folk and British folk songs at the \
Ralf Rademacher provided the right musical entertainment with Irish folk and British folk songs at the "Brit Pic" in Bocholt.