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 German and Dutch young people and adults experienced games, sport and fun together at the \
German and Dutch young people and adults experienced games, sport and fun together at the "SonsBerg" climbing park
 The \
The "SonsBerg" climbing park takes you high above the ground
04. July 2023Europe/International

Learning and playing across borders at "SonsBerg

Youth exchange with Juleica refresher course

German and Dutch youths and adults experienced games, sports and fun together at the "SonsBerg" climbing park. A cross-border youth encounter took place here. For the first time, this was combined with a Juleica refresher course. The German-French Society of Bocholt, the Dutch "Stichting Aover de göät" from Oude IJsselstreek and the city of Bocholt invited the participants.

The aim of the one-day youth meeting was to develop an experiential and play-based repertoire of activities. For this purpose, there was an introduction to experiential education as a versatile method of youth work and youth welfare.

"Laser Cage" and "The Golden Path

Course leader Willi Kisters from "Bewegung in Organisation - Bildungsmanagement" offered numerous cooperative adventure games. Together with the German and Dutch participants, he creatively used gymnastic hoops and marking discs as "Laser Cage" or "The Golden Way" games. After each game, the effects and results were reflected on together. What looked simple usually had a great effect on team spirit and quickly forged the diverse group together.

Climbing and balancing on the slackline

The highlight was the "SonsBerg" climbing facility and the slackline course. It quickly became apparent how young and old as well as small and large had to work together to master the tasks set. Willi Kisters varied the level of difficulty with the participants. It was important to him that the participants could decide for themselves whether they wanted to climb two metres or all the way to the top, for example.

Refresher course passed

At the end of the eight-hour refresher course, there was an overview of the legal aspects of experiential education activities as well as safety in play and sports activities. Equipped with many ideas and suggestions on how to organise experiential and play-based educational activities for children and young people, the participants received a certificate of participation for their Juleica card at the end of the course.

Support from EUREGIO

This cross-border youth encounter with the first cross-border Juleica refresher course was supported by the INTERREG programme Germany-Nederland with funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

 German and Dutch young people and adults experienced games, sport and fun together at the \
German and Dutch young people and adults experienced games, sport and fun together at the "SonsBerg" climbing park
 The \
The "SonsBerg" climbing park takes you high above the ground