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 Photo Justinas Lingevičius for My Europe Lithuania
Photo Justinas Lingevičius for My Europe Lithuania
18. January 2023Europe/International

Europe: Young Lithuanian talks about his country

Online event from the series "My Europe" // Wednesday, January 25 from 7 p.m. // Participation free of charge

The Europe Direct Information Center Bocholt draws attention to an online event next Wednesday, January 25, in which Bocholt people interested in Europe can participate free of charge. This time the Lithuanian Justinas Lingevičius will talk about his country. The event will be held in English. Registration via https://ogy.de/Lithuania-2023

General information about the event series

"My Europe" is an interactive digital event series that invites people to discover Europe. Young people from different countries talk about Europe and personal topics that interest them. The topics are as diverse as the speakers and can range from current political and social developments to culture and science to one's own commitment to more tolerance or solidarity.

The speaker

Justinas Lingevičius is a PhD student at the Institute of International Relations, Vilnius University. His professional experience includes various public institutions and NGOs. During a fellowship at the Charlemagne Prize Foundation, he decided to focus on new technologies and their role in international affairs. He is particularly interested in AI (artificial intelligence) and what risks it might pose in the context of global competition.

Personal topic

In the section of his personal interest, Justinas will talk about the perception of the threat of war in Lithuania due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The event partners

The series of events, which will be moderated by freelance journalist Katharina Ross, is free of charge and is organized by a large network: AEGEE Aachen, Institut Français Aachen, JEF NRW, Charlemagne Prize Foundation, Charlemagne Prize Academy and the EUROPE DIRECT centers from Aachen, East Belgium, Gütersloh County, Dortmund, Duisburg, Essen and Bocholt.

Interested parties can register via the link https://ogy.de/Lithuania-2023. The access data will be sent by e-mail.

 Photo Justinas Lingevičius for My Europe Lithuania
Photo Justinas Lingevičius for My Europe Lithuania