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 Lea Ehling, Personaltrainerin und psychologische Beraterin, gibt jungen Frauen Tipps, den eigenen Lebensweg zu gehen.
Lea Ehling, Personaltrainerin und psychologische Beraterin, gibt jungen Frauen Tipps, den eigenen Lebensweg zu gehen.
09. May 2022Equality

Online seminar for women: "Find out what you really want!"

Wednesday, May 11, 7 p.m. // Participation free of charge - register now at the Equal Opportunities Office Bocholt

"Your inner compass: Find out what you really want!" is the title of an online seminar next Wednesday, May 11, aimed at young women and girls. It starts at 7 p.m. Registrations by E-Mail in the equalization office of the city Bocholt under gleichstellung(at)bocholt(dot)de . Participation is free of charge.


In a world full of professional and personal opportunities, it's difficult to figure out what fits best. "If you can do anything - what do you want to do?" is an important question. Before deciding on a wrong path, women often prefer not to go at all and stay where they are. Motto: Tie yourself down? No, thanks! "The consequence is that many opportunities are not even taken advantage of," knows Bocholt's Equal Opportunities Officer Astrid Schupp.

The lecture is aimed at young women who want to find out what they really want. The speaker is Lea Ehling, psychological consultant and "personal coach".

Participants will learn about their inner compass, which helps them discover strengths and find a way to use them purposefully. They learn how to align themselves with strengths and abilities, how to stand by their values, how to find directional goals and how to convince others of their worth.


The event is part of the series "Frau+Beruf" of the municipal equal opportunity commissioners in the district of Borken.

 Lea Ehling, Personaltrainerin und psychologische Beraterin, gibt jungen Frauen Tipps, den eigenen Lebensweg zu gehen.
Lea Ehling, Personaltrainerin und psychologische Beraterin, gibt jungen Frauen Tipps, den eigenen Lebensweg zu gehen.