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 Spanish palms
Spanish palms
23. May 2023Education and culture

VHS: Spanish weekend for advanced learners

02 June from 18:00 // 46 euros course fee // from B1plus level // Registration now

Learning in small groups and on weekends is offered by the Adult Education Centre from Friday, 2 June from 6 p.m. to Sunday, 4 June 2 p.m. for advanced learners at B1plus level at the Weiterbildungszentrum at Stenerner Weg 14a for 46 euros course fee.

The course is aimed at anyone who speaks Spanish well enough to be able to give a short talk, write notes at the same time for telephone enquiries or even conduct a prepared interview.

The course leader, Sarah Ludwig, is known for her varied teaching style and relaxed atmosphere. More information, including registration, is available at the VHS office in Bocholt, Stenerner Weg 14a, the Rhede and Isselburg branches, or on the internet at www.vhs-bocholt.de.

 Spanish palms
Spanish palms