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 A photovoltaic system can make a significant contribution to the private energy transition.
A photovoltaic system can make a significant contribution to the private energy transition.
06. September 2024Education and culture

Photovoltaic system - The private energy revolution

VHS information evening on the private use of solar power // Thursday, 12 September at 7 p.m. in the Bocholt Media Centre // Registration recommended

The Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg Adult Education Centre (VHS) is hosting a lecture entitled "Photovoltaic System - The Private Energy Turnaround" on Thursday, 12 September at the Bocholt Media Centre (Hindenburgstraße 5). On this evening, the speaker Michael Birkhan will address many questions relating to the current range of topics. The event starts at 7 pm.

Why should electricity from fossil, CO2-intensive energy sources still be used today when it is possible to generate electricity yourself using solar energy and thus save money? Anyone planning to realise the private energy transition with a photovoltaic system is confronted with many questions in advance.

The aspects of the presentation are correspondingly multifaceted. What yields can be expected in the different seasons? Is a west or east-facing installation worthwhile? Should the purchase of a local energy storage system (lithium-ion battery) be considered in order to increase the amount of electricity consumed or can tax-free subsidies be claimed? These and other questions will be the focus of the evening.

The participation fee is 6 euros (reduced rate 5 euros). It is advisable to register in advance at www.vhs-bocholt.de in order to reserve a place . Remaining places will be allocated at the box office.

 A photovoltaic system can make a significant contribution to the private energy transition.
A photovoltaic system can make a significant contribution to the private energy transition.