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08. September 2022

Education and culture

Lecture: Finiteness - Everything has an end

On Monday, 12 September, there will be a lecture in the media centre (Alter Bahnhof) with Stefan Haas from Brühl starting at 19:30.

The lecture "Endlichkeit - Alles hat ein Ende" is part of the adult education centre's currently expanded focus on education for sustainable development. After an introduction that will deal with the crises of our time, e.g. Corona, Ahr Valley, war in Ukraine, we will discuss how we can draw strength from these borderline experiences. Speaker Stefan Haas is certain: "There will always be crises, only at the moment they are superimposed on each other and cost even more strength."

Please register now at www.vhs-bocholt.de or at the office at Stenerner Weg 14a in 46397 Bocholt or at the box office.

The emergency counsellor, certified systemic coach and supervisor from Brühl has decades of experience in adult education, personnel development and acute crisis intervention.