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 Plakat zur Wanderausstellung im bocholter Stadtmuseum
Plakat zur Wanderausstellung im bocholter Stadtmuseum
 Museumleiterin Lisa Merschformann (links) und Jennifer Engels von der \
Museumleiterin Lisa Merschformann (links) und Jennifer Engels von der "Jungen Uni" testen das VR-Mondfahrzeug, das Besucher der Ausstellung "Das Abenteuer Weltall begreifbar machen" selbst testen können.
22. February 2022Education and culture

Interactive space exhibition on display until April 3

Special exhibition "Making the Adventure of Space Understandable" // Many school classes take advantage of the offer

Until the beginning of April, young and old space explorers can set off on a journey to the stars at the Bocholt City Museum - because that's how long the exhibition "Making the Adventure of Space Understandable" will be on display there.

If you have always wanted to start your own virtual moon expedition, you currently have the opportunity to do so in Bocholt. The exhibition "Making the Adventure of Space Understandable" can currently be seen and experienced in the city museum at Osterstraße 66.

At numerous hands-on stations, visitors can learn about scientific aspects of outer space - and try them out right away. The focus is sometimes on the subject of gravity, sometimes on the history of space travel, and many of the stations put the emphasis on trying things out.

For example, visitors can use a virtual reality headset to get behind the wheel of the Lunar-Roving-Vehicle, the electric vehicle that was used to travel on the surface of the moon in 1971 - or they can fly through the virtual solar system themselves in a probe.

Together with the educational institution "JUNGE UNI in Bocholt" as a cooperation partner and a grant from the Leonardo da Vinci project as part of the Interreg program, it was possible to bring the traveling exhibition of the Galileo Park to Bocholt.

Also exhibits of the "Junge Uni

In a large showcase, there are planetary models and other pieces developed by the children and young people during the past JUNGE UNI semester. "It's great that we get to show these as part of the exhibition," says Jennifer Engels, head of the "JUNGE UNI" project.

The exhibition "Making the Adventure of Space Understandable" will be on display at the City Museum until Sunday, April 3, 2022. Visitors can see it during the museum's regular opening hours, Tuesdays through Sundays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Currently, the exhibition is visited by many school classes, says museum director Lisa Merschformann. For these and for other larger groups, it is also possible to arrange a visit outside the museum's regular opening hours, she adds.

 Plakat zur Wanderausstellung im bocholter Stadtmuseum
Plakat zur Wanderausstellung im bocholter Stadtmuseum
 Museumleiterin Lisa Merschformann (links) und Jennifer Engels von der \
Museumleiterin Lisa Merschformann (links) und Jennifer Engels von der "Jungen Uni" testen das VR-Mondfahrzeug, das Besucher der Ausstellung "Das Abenteuer Weltall begreifbar machen" selbst testen können.