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 Man and woman in costumes and wigs looking at each other
Man and woman in costumes and wigs looking at each other
11. August 2023Education and culture

Bocholt Culture Days start next week

The NNTheatre from Cologne introduces the varied cultural programme

After weeks of rain, the summer is going into overtime and with the Bocholt Culture Days, visitors can look forward to the usual varied and free cultural programme on Bocholt's market square from 16 to 20 August.

Next Wednesday, 16 August, the Bocholt Culture Days will once again be opened by the NNTheater from Cologne. The theatre ensemble, which is popular and creative in Bocholt, is this year's guest with the play "Moliere". Starting at 8 pm, visitors can look forward to a mixture of theatre and music and can be curious to see how the ensemble interprets the story of an impoverished folk theatre around director, actor and author Molière.

The event takes place in cooperation with the Stadttheater Bocholt e. V. and is supported by both the Kultursekretariat Gütersloh and the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of NRW.

BOH Jazz with soloist Philipp Schittek

The Christian Hassenstein Trio will also be performing with trombonist Philipp Schittek on Thursday 17 August from 7.30 p.m. on Bocholt's market square, delighting not only die-hard fans of jazz. From a culinary point of view, visitors can look forward to the food stalls and the wine stall of the evening market - living room atmosphere guaranteed.

Comedy with Jacqueline Feldmann

From "civil servant for life" to the comedy stages of the republic? This is the extraordinary CV of the artist Jacqueline Feldmann. With the programme "Plötzlich Zukunft! Nobody could have known..." on Friday, 18 August, she will certainly strain the laughing muscles of the visitors.

The programme is a funny declaration of love to "normal" life, to crazy fears of young people and their parents, as well as an attempt to consider "Youtube star" as a real profession. Of course, Jacqueline also devotes herself to other topics in her now second solo programme - and does so with a lot of sympathy, great presence and full of energy.

Between the ballot box, Cuban holidays and flat-sharing parties, she manages the balancing act between the generations:
For young audiences, she serves as an identification figure, while for older fans she provides a fascinating insight into the life of a young woman.
fans a fascinating insight into the life of a young woman.

The event takes place in cooperation with the Stadttheater Bocholt e. V. and is supported by both the Kultursekretariat Gütersloh and the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of NRW.

One-Man Theatre and Silent Disco

With the play "Das Leben des Diogenes" (The Life of Diogenes), the actor Peter Trabner, well-known from television, will take the audience on a journey on Saturday, 19 August at 4.30 pm...yes where to, actually? As a cooperation event with the One-World-Shop, it is essentially about the consumer life of mankind. The artist will reveal more details on stage on the day of the event.

In the evening, starting at 8.30 p.m., there will be the Silent Disco as a cooperation event between the Department of Culture and Education and DochDu e.V. Headphones will be handed out for a deposit of 20 euros starting at 8 p.m. on the market square. As last year, three DJs will have something for (almost) every musical taste. Plenty of food and drink will also be provided.

Puppet shows and art market at the end of the Cultural Days

On Sunday, 20 August, the Culture Days will end with two puppet shows at 11 am and 3 pm. "Die Complizen" will perform the play "Alles Rabenstark! Or hit until the milk tooth wobbles!". All available seats have already been reserved online in mid-July by a total of 400 mainly small culture enthusiasts. A few remaining seats may still be available at short notice before the start of the event and can be requested on site.

At the same time, the art market "CityArt" by Hans Michael Spogahn from Bocholt will take place from Marktplatz to Neutorplatz. Nearly 70 artists will transform the city centre into a colourful studio and offer their works of art for sale.

Further daily information can be found at bocholt.de/kulturtage.

 Man and woman in costumes and wigs looking at each other
Man and woman in costumes and wigs looking at each other