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 Employees of the waste disposal and service company spray the oak trees in the outer districts.
Employees of the waste disposal and service company spray the oak trees in the outer districts.
 Employees of the waste disposal and service company spray the oak trees in the outer districts.
Employees of the waste disposal and service company spray the oak trees in the outer districts.
 Employees of the waste disposal and service company spray the oak trees in the outer districts.
Employees of the waste disposal and service company spray the oak trees in the outer districts.
26. April 2024Disposal company

Operation against oak processionary moth on Sunday

There may be restrictions on cycle paths on Sunday mornings // Preventive action

On Sunday mornings, employees of the waste disposal and service company (ESB) are out in force to take preventative action against oak processionary moth nests.

For this reason, there may be obstructions in the area of the outdoor cycle routes on Sunday, 28 April. The work is highly dependent on the weather, which is why the dates can only be announced at short notice.

Stinging hairs cause skin reactions

The stinging hairs of the caterpillars, which contain a nettle poison, can cause considerable health problems for humans and animals. Contact with the almost invisible hairs causes skin rashes, burning and itching. More severe reactions such as respiratory tract irritation, conjunctivitis or fever also occur in rare cases.

The work will continue next week, weather permitting. Further information on combating the oak processionary moth can be found online at www.bocholt.de/eps

 Employees of the waste disposal and service company spray the oak trees in the outer districts.
Employees of the waste disposal and service company spray the oak trees in the outer districts.
 Employees of the waste disposal and service company spray the oak trees in the outer districts.
Employees of the waste disposal and service company spray the oak trees in the outer districts.
 Employees of the waste disposal and service company spray the oak trees in the outer districts.
Employees of the waste disposal and service company spray the oak trees in the outer districts.