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 Mitarbeiter des ESB sammeln Weihnachtsbäume ein.
Mitarbeiter des ESB sammeln Weihnachtsbäume ein.
04. January 2022Disposal company

ESB collects Christmas trees

From 10 - 14 January 2022 // Remove ornaments and tinsel

In most households in Bocholt, the Christmas tree has had its day after Three Kings' Day. Since January 6, 2022 falls on a Thursday this year, the Entsorgungs- und Servicebetrieb (ESB) will collect the Christmas trees in the week of January 10 - 14, 2022. The collection will take place on the same day as the residual waste collection, but with a separate vehicle. The Christmas trees will be composted after collection.

The trees must be ready at the street no later than 6 a.m. on the collection day, even for properties where the garbage collection usually comes later. Christmas trees will not be taken away with the residual waste vehicle, but in a separate tour. "Please place the trees clearly visible, so that the collection is not a search game," asks waste consultant Petra Tacke.

Remove jewelry and tinsel

In addition, jewelry, plastic decorations, fairy lights and tinsel must be removed beforehand so that the trees can be composted. Trees must not be longer than 2.50 meters, otherwise they must be shortened beforehand. Root balls must be sawed off; they can be disposed of in the organic waste garbage can.

Those who want to get rid of their Christmas tree beforehand or leave it longer than the collection week can alternatively drop off the tree at the recycling center on Schaffeldstraße. The recycling center is open Tuesdays through Fridays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Questions can be answered by the waste advisory service on tel. 02871 246324.

For more information about ESB services, visit www.esb.bocholt.de.

 Mitarbeiter des ESB sammeln Weihnachtsbäume ein.
Mitarbeiter des ESB sammeln Weihnachtsbäume ein.