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 ESB-Mitarbeiter Antonius Schepers stellt Hinweisschilder an der Mosse, am Aa-See, im Stadtwald und am Ententeich auf, um auf das Fütterverbot von Wasservögeln hinzuweisen.
ESB-Mitarbeiter Antonius Schepers stellt Hinweisschilder an der Mosse, am Aa-See, im Stadtwald und am Ententeich auf, um auf das Fütterverbot von Wasservögeln hinzuweisen.
14. March 2022Disposal company

Duck bread is duck death

Municipality indicates feeding ban with signs

Anyone who feeds ducks means well for the animals, but often causes great damage. This is now pointed out by new signs at Bocholt's waterways.

In the last few days, employees of the waste disposal and service company (ESB) have put up new signs at many bodies of water in the city area indicating the feeding ban for ducks and other water fowl. This measure is done on the initiative of local politicians and in coordination with the administration. "Many animal lovers are not aware that they are endangering the health of the ducks with their well-intentioned feeding," explains ESB operations manager Gisbert Jacobs.

Bread harms animals and the environment alike

Bread in particular is harmful to animals and the environment. The bread can swell up in the animals' stomachs and, in the worst case, lead to their death. Bread that is not eaten causes further problems: In the riparian area, it attracts rats. If it sinks to the bottom of the water, the water quality suffers considerably in the long run.

It is therefore urged to refrain from feeding the animals. "Wildlife can find enough species-appropriate food without additional feeding," Jacobs said.

Those who feed ducks risk fines

According to the municipal statutes(Ordnungsbehördliche Verordnung der Stadt Bocholt zur Aufrechterhaltung der öffentlichen Sicherheit und Ordnung), the feeding of wild pigeons and water fowl is prohibited in Bocholt. Whoever feeds nevertheless risks a fine.

 ESB-Mitarbeiter Antonius Schepers stellt Hinweisschilder an der Mosse, am Aa-See, im Stadtwald und am Ententeich auf, um auf das Fütterverbot von Wasservögeln hinzuweisen.
ESB-Mitarbeiter Antonius Schepers stellt Hinweisschilder an der Mosse, am Aa-See, im Stadtwald und am Ententeich auf, um auf das Fütterverbot von Wasservögeln hinzuweisen.