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 The caterpillars of the box tree moth cause problems for box trees.
The caterpillars of the box tree moth cause problems for box trees.
 The caterpillars of the box tree moth are on the move again and - nomen est omen - prefer to eat box tree leaves.
The caterpillars of the box tree moth are on the move again and - nomen est omen - prefer to eat box tree leaves.
08. May 2024Disposal company

Box tree moth: disposal instructions for affected plants

The box tree moth caterpillar is currently spreading rapidly and is affecting many plants. At the same time, the vegetation is suffering from a fungal disease, which exacerbates the situation for the affected shrubs. Often the only solution is to remove and dispose of infested boxwood bushes to prevent the pest from spreading further. Entsorgungs- und Servicebetrieb Bocholt (ESB) offers several options for disposing of affected plants.

Boxwood in the organic waste bin

The shrubs can be disposed of in the organic waste bin, as neither larvae nor eggs survive the high temperatures in the closed composting plant. The shrubs should be stored in tightly closed plastic bags until the bins are emptied. However, the bags must not be thrown into the organic waste bin. It is best to empty the bags into the bins just before the organic waste is collected, recommends the ESB.

Disposal via the residual waste

It is also possible to dispose of shrubs in the residual waste bin. Here, too, it is important to pack the plant remains in plastic bags and, if possible, not allow any caterpillars to escape. The plants, including the plastic bags, may be disposed of in the residual waste bin. When disposing of shrubs in household waste bins, the ESB waste advisory service advises not to exceed the permitted weight of the waste bins. The 120 litre bin must not weigh more than 50 kg, the large 240 litre bin should not weigh more than 100 kg. Too much weight leads to cracks in the body of the bin.

Disposal at the recycling centre

Larger quantities of boxwood up to 1 cubic metre can be handed in at the recycling centre. At the recycling centre, the infested green plants must be placed in well-sealed bags with the residual waste. Disposal via the green waste container is not possible.

If you have any further questions about the disposal of infested plants, please call the ESB waste advice centre on 02871 / 953 3434.

Opening hours of the recycling centre

Closed on Mondays
Tuesday to Friday 9:00-18:00
Saturday: 9:00-13:00

 The caterpillars of the box tree moth cause problems for box trees.
The caterpillars of the box tree moth cause problems for box trees.
 The caterpillars of the box tree moth are on the move again and - nomen est omen - prefer to eat box tree leaves.
The caterpillars of the box tree moth are on the move again and - nomen est omen - prefer to eat box tree leaves.