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03. July 2024

Disposal company

Big crowd at children's flea market

On Sunday, 30 June, numerous visitors flocked to the recycling centre and the adjacent grounds of the Bocholt waste disposal and service company (ESB) on Schaffeldstraße in perfect flea market weather. The popular flea market for children took place there. Many took the opportunity to sell toys and clothes and at the same time pick up a bargain or two themselves.

The selection of used but still usable items was huge: the 120 stands offered a wide range of children's clothing and toys in all shapes and sizes. Playmobil toys and Lego were in high demand, as were all kinds of soft toys. But model cars, musical instruments for children and children's bicycles also found new buyers.

The children's flea market took place for the 19th time this year, reports Karin Kalka-Freundt from the ESB waste counselling service. The organiser was "very satisfied" with how the day went and praised the efforts of the ESB staff and the many volunteers from the Kinderschutzbund who were responsible for the cafeteria. By 3.30 pm, around 450 waffles had been distributed and the waffle batter had been used up.

Colourful supporting programme

The flea market also included a supporting programme. In the craft corner, children were able to roll colourful beads out of paper and make necklaces or bracelets with the help of a kindergarten teacher. Another highlight for the children was the large refuse lorry, whose driver's cab the children enjoyed climbing into. Many parents took the opportunity to take a souvenir photo with the family.

The flea market is useful for the environment because it helps to avoid waste and promotes the idea of using things sustainably over the long term.