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 Abfallberaterin Petra Tacke (2. von rechts) überreicht die Spendensumme von 1156,50 Euro an Dr. Helmut Schepers (von links), Heinz-Richard Tiebing und Norbert Terhorst von der Bocholter Tafel.
Abfallberaterin Petra Tacke (2. von rechts) überreicht die Spendensumme von 1156,50 Euro an Dr. Helmut Schepers (von links), Heinz-Richard Tiebing und Norbert Terhorst von der Bocholter Tafel.
29. July 2022Disposal company

After bulky waste exchange: Bocholter Tafel receives 1156 euros

Proceeds go to aid organization from Bocholt

The Bocholt Tafel can be pleased about a donation in the amount of 1156.50 euros. The proud sum had been collected at the recent bulky waste exchange of the Entsorgungs- und Servicebetrieb (ESB).

The Bocholt Technical Relief Organization (THW), the Child Protection Association, the Bocholt Repair Café and the Makerspace association also participated in the preparations and implementation of the bulky waste exchange.

Among the curiosities that found new owners was a dimaphone - a magnetic disk dictaphone from 1952. "Many people were actually interested in this," reports Norbert Terhorst from the Tafelverein, who helped with the sale on site together with his association colleague Heinz-Richard Tiebing.

The money is urgently needed: "More and more people are coming, but at the same time we have less and less goods," says Dr. Helmut Schepers of the Bocholter Tafel association. The possibly imminent energy crisis has further aggravated the situation.

For a while now, the Bocholter Tafel has therefore been providing food in addition to the

 Abfallberaterin Petra Tacke (2. von rechts) überreicht die Spendensumme von 1156,50 Euro an Dr. Helmut Schepers (von links), Heinz-Richard Tiebing und Norbert Terhorst von der Bocholter Tafel.
Abfallberaterin Petra Tacke (2. von rechts) überreicht die Spendensumme von 1156,50 Euro an Dr. Helmut Schepers (von links), Heinz-Richard Tiebing und Norbert Terhorst von der Bocholter Tafel.