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 Mitglieder des neu gewählten Jugendamtselternbeirats in Bocholt (v.l.n.r.): Dirk Fahrland, Nadine Feldhaar, Christina Linkwitz, Jan-Hendrik Ingenfeld, Lisa Haltermann, Evelyn Schitthelm, Lotti Jachimek, Samah Al Dor, Hannah Becker, Kristin Kolundzija, Natalie Beckers, Lena Nolte.
Mitglieder des neu gewählten Jugendamtselternbeirats in Bocholt (v.l.n.r.): Dirk Fahrland, Nadine Feldhaar, Christina Linkwitz, Jan-Hendrik Ingenfeld, Lisa Haltermann, Evelyn Schitthelm, Lotti Jachimek, Samah Al Dor, Hannah Becker, Kristin Kolundzija, Natalie Beckers, Lena Nolte.
16. November 2022Children and youth

Youth welfare office parent advisory council elected for coming kindergarten year

The new twelve-member Youth Welfare Office Parents' Council (JAEB) has now been elected. The JAEB sees itself as a mouthpiece between the youth welfare office and the parents in all facilities of the city of Bocholt. In addition to the youth welfare office, the JAEB also connects the sponsors, such as churches and associations, with the parents.

The parents' councils of the 39 daycare facilities in Bocholt and representatives for the area of daycare were now invited to elect the Youth Welfare Office Parents' Council for the 2022/23 kindergarten year.

21 representatives from 14 facilities and one delegate for the area of child day care accepted the invitation and were informed by the Department of Youth, Family, School and Sports about the tasks and structures of the Youth Office Parents' Advisory Council.

The following members will be involved in the Youth Office Parents' Advisory Council: Chair Lena Nolte, Christina Linkwitz (deputy), Dirk Fahrland (delegate to the State Parents' Advisory Council), Natalie Beckers (deputy), Nadine Feldhaar (advisory member of the Youth Welfare Committee) and Jan-Hendrik Ingenfeld (deputy). Other members are Lotti Jachimek, Evelyn Schitthelm, Samah Al Dor, Kristin Kolundzija, Hannah Becker and Lisa Haltermann.

For more information on the activities of the Youth Council in the city of Bocholt, visit www.jaeb-bocholt.de.

 Mitglieder des neu gewählten Jugendamtselternbeirats in Bocholt (v.l.n.r.): Dirk Fahrland, Nadine Feldhaar, Christina Linkwitz, Jan-Hendrik Ingenfeld, Lisa Haltermann, Evelyn Schitthelm, Lotti Jachimek, Samah Al Dor, Hannah Becker, Kristin Kolundzija, Natalie Beckers, Lena Nolte.
Mitglieder des neu gewählten Jugendamtselternbeirats in Bocholt (v.l.n.r.): Dirk Fahrland, Nadine Feldhaar, Christina Linkwitz, Jan-Hendrik Ingenfeld, Lisa Haltermann, Evelyn Schitthelm, Lotti Jachimek, Samah Al Dor, Hannah Becker, Kristin Kolundzija, Natalie Beckers, Lena Nolte.