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 At the start of the children's conferences, Mayor Thomas Kerkhoff welcomed the students
At the start of the children's conferences, Mayor Thomas Kerkhoff welcomed the students
 The pupils of the Annette-von-Droste-Hülshoff Community Primary School present their wishes and suggestions
The pupils of the Annette-von-Droste-Hülshoff Community Primary School present their wishes and suggestions
 The pupils' wishes are recorded by staff from the Youth, Family, School and Sports Department.
The pupils' wishes are recorded by staff from the Youth, Family, School and Sports Department.
 The motto of the children's conferences: \
The motto of the children's conferences: "Now YOU talk".
03. February 2023Children and youth

"Now you're talking!": Bocholt children's conferences launched

City wants to collect suggestions and proposals from children // Survey last conducted in 2016

The wishes and needs of the people of Bocholt are discussed almost daily on the political stage and in the media. Comparatively rarely, however, does this enquiry extend to the youngest in our society. In order to also gather criticism and suggestions from Bocholt's children of primary school age, there are the "children's conferences", which have now started.

The city of Bocholt conducts the survey at all Bocholt primary schools. The wishes, needs and interests of the boys and girls are asked and collected. Concrete, realisable measures are to be developed on the basis of the survey.

The kick-off event at the Annette-von-Droste-Hülshoff primary school was also attended by Bocholt's mayor Thomas Kerkhoff. "In order for us to be able to do something for you, we need to know what you think is missing so far," he explained to the boys and girls who were allowed to present their proposals that morning.

Afterwards, he listened together with representatives of the council parties and city departments as the children presented their wishes. Many of the suggestions made that day related to the leisure time facilities for boys and girls of primary school age. Among other things, additional playgrounds or certain restaurants and shops were desired, but also more offers for sustainability and less waste.

"The first step is to listen. Which measures can be implemented in concrete terms is what the next step is about", says Kerkhoff. It is about taking the wishes and realities of life of the boys and girls seriously.

Due to the corona-related contact restrictions, there have been no children's conferences in the past two years. They are organised and conducted by the Department of Youth, Family, School and Sports.

 At the start of the children's conferences, Mayor Thomas Kerkhoff welcomed the students
At the start of the children's conferences, Mayor Thomas Kerkhoff welcomed the students
 The pupils of the Annette-von-Droste-Hülshoff Community Primary School present their wishes and suggestions
The pupils of the Annette-von-Droste-Hülshoff Community Primary School present their wishes and suggestions
 The pupils' wishes are recorded by staff from the Youth, Family, School and Sports Department.
The pupils' wishes are recorded by staff from the Youth, Family, School and Sports Department.
 The motto of the children's conferences: \
The motto of the children's conferences: "Now YOU talk".