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 Successful completion: The participants in the youth leader training programme can now work independently in youth work.
Successful completion: The participants in the youth leader training programme can now work independently in youth work.
28. February 2024Children and youth

14 new youth leaders trained

You can now independently lead group lessons, holiday games and holiday camps

Bocholt is delighted to welcome fourteen new youth leaders. They took part in a special training course organised by the city of Bocholt. In future, the graduates will be able to lead youth groups on their own responsibility. This applies to group lessons as well as youth recreational activities and holiday games.

The fourteen participants belong to various youth organisations and clubs. They were taught by an experienced media educator and trainer.

Wide range of topics

The course comprised 40 teaching units. The course covered the legal basics of supervisory duties, youth protection, accident prevention and child endangerment. In addition, the participants were trained in communication, organisation, group dynamics, games education and public relations, among other things.

The youth leader training is an important prerequisite for the issuing of the Youth Leader Card (JuLeiCa), the standardised nationwide ID card for volunteers in youth work. The JuLeiCa serves as legitimisation and proof of qualification and underlines the social recognition of voluntary work.

The city of Bocholt draws a positive conclusion from the training: "The participants approached this task with great commitment, motivation, joy and discipline", says Nicole van Baal from the Youth and Family Department.

Next training course in January 2025

The next youth leader training course will be offered in January 2025. Anyone interested can register with the Youth and Family Department by calling 02871 953-2394 or emailing nicole.vanbaal(at)bocholt(dot)de.

 Successful completion: The participants in the youth leader training programme can now work independently in youth work.
Successful completion: The participants in the youth leader training programme can now work independently in youth work.