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 2000 landlords will receive mail in the coming days
2000 landlords will receive mail in the coming days
04. July 2023Announcements

Rent index: City conducts sample survey

2000 landlords are contacted // Determination of a local comparable rent

In the coming days, about 2000 randomly selected landlords will receive mail. The reason: The city is conducting a random sample survey to update the qualified rent index.

Since 2018, the city of Bocholt has had a qualified rent index for non-price-linked flats. This reflects the local rent level on a broad basis of information. The rent index thus makes it possible to determine the local comparative rent for a flat, taking into account the type, size, furnishings, condition and location.

The current qualified rent index 2022 is based on a representative survey of landlords. After two years, the rent index must be adjusted to market developments in accordance with Section 558d (2) of the German Civil Code (BGB) in order to meet the special requirements of a qualified rent index.

This update is carried out on the basis of a random survey of landlords. "The qualified rent index can serve as a decision-making aid when concluding new tenancy agreements and changes in rent levels", Mayor Thomas Kerkhoff emphasises. "It thus makes an important contribution to avoiding conflicts between the contracting parties. We are asking landlords for their help in updating it."

The City of Bocholt has commissioned Neitzel Consultants GmbH in cooperation with InWIS Forschung & Beratung GmbH to update the rent index. The preparation is accompanied by an advisory working group consisting of local representatives of landlords and tenants. The first meeting of the working group "Qualifizierter Mietspiegel 2024" took place in mid-June 2023.

The survey and sampling concept was discussed and agreed upon. The central survey instrument is a digital survey questionnaire. In order to create a sound data basis, about 2,000 randomly selected landlords will now be contacted and asked to participate in the survey.

Free hotline set up

Kathrin Rüther, chairwoman of the committee of experts for property values in the city of Bocholt, adds: "The results of the survey are used to determine a so-called update factor for the basic values shown in the rent index as well as the surcharge and discount features. The evaluation is carried out using recognised scientific methods. Of course, this is done in strict compliance with data protection."

A free hotline will be set up during the survey phase. For questions, comments or further information, please contact Ms Kathrin Rüther, Stadt Bocholt, Fachbereich Grundstücks- und Bodenwirtschaft, Tel. 02871/953-3159, kathrin.ruether(at)bocholt(dot)de or Neitzel Consultants GmbH, Tel. 0 800/5 540 540, mietspie-gel.bocholt(at)neitzel-consultants(dot)de.

 2000 landlords will receive mail in the coming days
2000 landlords will receive mail in the coming days