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Holtwick Industrial Park

Holtwick Industrial Park

The Bocholt-Holtwick industrial estate in the district of the same name to the north-west of the city centre is one of Bocholt's newest commercial locations. It is connected to the motorway network via Dinxperloer Straße, Westring and Westfalenstraße and requires a through road. The junction to the A3 motorway is 14 km away.

The Holtwick business park is particularly suitable for small and medium-sized companies in the fields of crafts, mechanical engineering, the food industry, healthcare, knowledge-intensive services and resource efficiency.

The regional plan provides for a potential area of around 16 hectares in the west for possible expansions.

The most important facts about the business park at a glance:

  • Gross area: 24 ha
  • Net area available: 1.3 ha

Facts about the (transport) infrastructure:

  • Close to the Dutch border (approx. 5 km)
  • Distance to Düsseldorf airport: 80 km
  • Distance to Münster/Osnabrück airport: 90 km
  • Distance to the B 67 and B 473: 4 km
  • Distance to the A 3 motorway: 14 km
  • Distance to the waterway connection in Emmerich: 30 km
  • Distance to the waterway connection in Duisburg: 55 km
  • Distance to Bocholt railway station: 3.5 km
  • Direct connection to public transport
  • Broadband connection (fibre optic or radio relay)