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Education / Information

"The funding jungle for building refurbishment - What do I get and for what?"

Expert lecture on 09.09., from 6 pm in the canteen of the comprehensive school in Bocholt (Rheinstraße 4) // Participation free of charge, register now

Symbolic image of a wildflower with insect

What subsidies, legal requirements and deadlines currently apply? A number of questions quickly arise for building owners on the subject of "Energetic Refurbishment".

With this joint series of lectures on the subject of "Energetic Refurbishment", the Borken Climate Circle, the city of Bocholt and the Borken District Craftsmen's Association want to provide answers. After the successful start of the lecture series in June, the second part is now to follow.

The speaker is Ralf Sparwel, head master of the sanitary, heating and air conditioning guild in Ahaus. He has been working as an energy consultant in the trade for over 20 years and has been planning and building heat pumps and photovoltaic (PV) systems for more than 30 years.

The lectures are free of charge, all interested parties are welcome and can simply register in advance by e-mail.

This lecture on 9 September is all about money: Bafa - KFW - BEG EM - Progress NRW: Who can recognise all these abbreviations and still understand them? In his presentation, Ralf Sparwel will shed some light on the subject, explain special tax write-offs and promotional loans from the KFW and explain how up to 70 per cent funding and financing with interest rates of just 0.01 per cent are possible. He shows interested parties what they need to bear in mind and what deadlines apply in each case. You will receive practical tips and a guide to the respective subsidy examples.

The event starts at 6 pm and lasts around two hours.

Registration is possible at klimaschutz(at)bocholt(dot)de.

In co-operation with

Logo of the Borken Climate Circle

Logo of the Kreishandwerkerschaft