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A novel project by and with Sebastian Aperdannier, framed by chamber music

Sebastian Aperdannier, consultant for voluntary services abroad at the vicariate general in Münster, is no stranger to Bocholt: His appearances in the plays, readings and performances he has written himself are legendary: his texts think outside the box, his performance is impressive and enduring. Now he is coming back to Bocholt with his new novel project "Joseph of Nazareth": Jesus' foster father from the Bible does his duty without complaint (and without a word) and disappears from the scene without a sound. Who is Joseph, what did he want, what did he think, how did he fare? In three blocks of readings, Aperdannier tells the story of "his" Joseph.

This will be accompanied by suitable chamber music, played live by an instrumental ensemble under the direction of regional cantor Werner Hespe.

Admission is free. A donation is requested for social projects that Aperdannier supports as part of his work.