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Cabaret / Comedy

Anny Hartmann "Climate Ballerina

Political Cabaret

Tickets 19 Euro VVK 23 Euro AK
Tickets are available in the local advance booking office (Touistinfo, Theatre Office and BBV Bocholt)
and online at

You don't have to be 17 years old and sit in the street on Fridays to do something about climate change!
We can all do something to save the planet. Sometimes it's enough to go to the cabaret and listen to Anny Hartmann.

The graduate economist has the tools to firstly analyse economic and political contexts and secondly to convey them in an amusing, biting and easily comprehensible way. Her humour is infectious, her attitude inspiring.

Environmental protection does not have to mean a prohibitive regime, but can enrich our lives. You will be surprised how cheerfully and creatively Anny Hartmann comes up with solutions. There's bound to be something for you, too.

In her new solo "Climate Ballerina", the political cabaret dancer even dances - on the nose of the powerful! That keeps you young and gives you hope for the future.

Those who see Anny Hartmann live can save themselves a few semesters of economics studies. And those who haven't seen her have missed out.
Anny Hartmann is straightforward and non-conformist, possesses a sharp mind and an equally sharp tongue, she is inspiringly activist and delightfully constructive.
You can expect a successful evening full of humour, acumen and repartee!
Anny Hartmann's contributions are thought-provoking and yet there is plenty to laugh about. This is how cabaret should be - this is how UnterHALTUNG understands itself.
Or as Volker Pispers puts it:
"Anny Hartmann has understood that in order to make entertainment, you don't just need humour, but above all an attitude.