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The European Parliament - Voice of the Citizens?

Discussion evening with live multimedia documentation on a large screen by and with Ingo Espenschied

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Next year there will be another European election! In the run-up to this, the EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt and the Minister for Federal and European Affairs, International Affairs and Media of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and Head of the State Chancellery jointly invite you to attend:

Friday, 10 November 2023

Kinodrom Bocholt Room 3, Meckenemstraße 8, 46395 Bocholt

18:30 Admission

19:00 Start DOKULIVE

20:15 Questions and discussion

approx. 21:00 End of the event



In Strasbourg and Brussels, Mainz political scientist and lecture professional Ingo Espenschied goes in search of clues, talks to MEPs from various parties and looks over the shoulders of parliamentarians and the administration in their daily work.

A look back at the eventful history of the European Parliament provides additional clarity. What began as a small, primarily representative institution has matured over the course of more than 65 years into a weighty political player within the EU. Today, the European Parliament is not only the legislator in Europe - its history is also a mirror of European integration as a whole.

About the author

Ingo Espenschied

Ingo Espenschied studied in Mainz, at the Sorbonne in Paris and at the London School of Economics and is considered a renowned expert on Franco-German relations and European politics. As a freelance journalist, producer and lecturer, he now lives and works near Mainz. With the DOKULIVE® format, Espenschied has founded a new genre in the field of political education that has met with great international acclaim (info: www.dokulive.eu).

Who is the event suitable for?

The event is interesting for everyone aged 16 and over, as young people over 16 can vote for the first time in the next European elections. As parents or grandparents, feel free to take the young people with you. Register using the QR code or the following link. You will then receive a reservation confirmation.

Information stand and free drink

The EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt will be present with an information stand from 18:30. Anyone who wants to can get a free drink there for the event.


Sonja Wießmeier

Sonja Wießmeier

Sitzungsdienst und Internationales - Europe Direct Bocholt

Büro des Bürgermeisters

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+49 2871 953-1287

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