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"Future narratives - why we need different stories".

DB Entrepreneur Evening Heidefeld Estate

If we only look at the period since our last invitation in late summer 2019 to the Entrepreneurs' Evening at Gut Heidefeld, a continuation of the event series has been in order for some time. But the time factor alone is not. Our society, the economy and, last but not least, nature have changed in such a dynamic way in recent years that the space for informal togetherness is constantly shrinking. Observing this development has inspired our speaker this year, Lucas Bucholz, as a futurologist, to give his entertaining lecture "Future Narratives - Why We Need Other Stories".

We look forward to welcoming you as our guests on Thursday, 14 September 2023 from 6 pm at Gut Heidefeld, Am Wielbach 7c in 46399 Bocholt. We would very much like to create a setting on this evening where you and your companions can relax, enjoy and socialise.

As you know, the premises at Gut Heidefeld are particularly and unfortunately also - in terms of seating - particularly limited.

Therefore, please send us your participation request as soon as possible, at https://www.bocholt.de/unternehmerabend.