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 German-Dutch flags.
German-Dutch flags.
17. May 2024Europe/EDI

German-Dutch border talks: Visit to the "De Hennepe" winery in Aalten

Thursday, 23 May, at 6 pm // With wine tasting // Participation fee 15 euros // EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt, VHS Bocholt and Gemeente Aalten cooperate

The "De Hennepe" winery in Aalten in the Netherlands is the destination of the next German-Dutch border talks on Thursday, 23 May. The meeting point is at 6 pm directly at the winery (Romienendiek 3, 7122 Aalten). The event is part of the educational series "Border Talks" and is open to the public.

After a tour of the winery, participants can taste wine. Registrations are accepted by the Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg Adult Education Centre (VHS) at www.vhs-bocholt.de or by calling 02871 953-7697. Participation costs 15 euros.

Winemaker Hans ter Haar will talk about winegrowing in the border region and the climatic conditions that favour winegrowing in the Netherlands. In earlier times, the vineyard was run as a farm. According to winemaker ter Haar, he has several years of "apprenticeship" in viticulture behind him and is now visibly proud of his products.

Knowledge of Dutch is not required. Everyone speaks their own language. A moderator will translate if necessary.

About the EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt

EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt is part of the mayor's office of the city of Bocholt and is the local contact point for questions relating to the European Union. Its task is to provide local citizens with information, advice, help and answers to questions about Europe. In addition, EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt aims to promote European involvement and provide information on current European political events.

 German-Dutch flags.
German-Dutch flags.